A little over two weeks ago, Monday afternoon, July 22nd, Sister Nele Moaga needed to exchange some Australian money for Samoan, so we headed to town, stopping in front of Western Union for her errand. We waited in the car for her. She told us later that she heard someone yell, “Hey!, but not realizing they were directing it to her, she hurried into the building. Moments later, a man squatted down to speak to Leon through the car window. (Remember we drive a Hyundai Getz; ‘squat’ is an appropriate descriptive word if you wish to address the driver of a Getz.) Understand, we had a run-in with a cunning hustler maybe six or seven weeks ago, so we were naturally on guard. But this man was different. Leon rolled down the window (yes, he ‘rolled’ the window down with a little handle on the door for that purpose – remember those?) (but, take note, the windows were up because, though it may be a humble little car, it has great a/c!). Back to the story.
The man was clean and (how would we know this), good. He did
not ask for money. He was not selling anything. He did not ask for a ride. He
simply told us that he recognized that we were Mormons and quickly added that
he is not a member of our church (some with hidden agendas claim to be members
when they see our name tags), but that he is aware that it is a “big” church in
Samoa (did you know that 25% of the population are members of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?) with many members. Because of that, he
hoped we might be of help. He told us with obvious urgency that his 15 year old
niece was in the hospital badly in need of type AB blood. We asked him for her name and a contact
number for him, which he gave. He said
she was in the maternity ward, though we are unsure now what he called it. The
women’s hospital or something. We made an assumption that this might be a
little girl in trouble with a pregnancy. No matter. She needed blood and this
man, her uncle, cared enough to reach out to anyone he thought might help. We
told him we would do what we could. By then Sister Moaga was back in the car,
they spoke in Samoan and clarified that she was in the maternity ward. I wish I
could adequately tell you what I felt from this man. He seemed familiar
We talked about it on the way home, thinking that we could
send word out to the senior missionaries, and maybe the office couple could
help us discover if any of the young missionaries had type AB blood.
This was Leon’s day to wash our little car, so while he was
busy with that, I headed over to the mission office. I told my tale to Sister
Gertsch, who emphasized how careful we need to be when approached by strangers.
I assured her this man was not asking us for more than our help in finding a
blood donor for his niece. She was hesitant to send out an unauthorized email
request w/o verifying with someone above her.
President Leota was not in, so I couldn’t refer to him, but he was
expected shortly. She took the info I
had jotted down and said she would email it to someone in the service center (I
can never remember his name). She reminded me of the unsanitary conditions of
the hospital, the danger of asking our missionaries to give blood, which would
require needles, which may be reused, who know what terrible things might
happen, etc. I hadn’t thought of bringing danger to anyone. I couldn’t imagine
the hospital would reuse needles, but I do have memories of childbirth at the
Mootoatua Hospital, of cockroaches and showers that caused me to wear
flip-flops while showering and hold the soap in my mouth by the lid of its box.
So I wasn’t entirely untouched by her fears.
As I walked back from the mission home to talk with Leon,
who was making good progress on the car, it occurred to me that the very least
we could do was to offer to give this girl a priesthood blessing. I suggested
that to Leon and he agreed. So back I went to see if I could solicit the help
of the two assistants to the president, who are often close by. As I entered the office, Sister Gertsch
informed me that the unnamed authority in the service center answered her email
that he ‘didn’t know this man’. Hello.
Luckily, President Leota walked in just then, happened to have a minute,
so he ushered me into his office and I explained the need. He was supportive and surprised at the
concerns that had been raised, but said he definitely would ask his assistants,
Elder Amituana’I [say Ah-me-too-ah-nah-ee]
and Elder Kepu, [say Kay-poo] if
they would accompany us to the hospital and administer to Eneleata Epati [say
Eh-nay-lay-ah-tah Eh-paw-tee], 15
years old and in need of a blessing. He suggested that I inquire about the
procedures the hospital follows in taking blood.
He picked up his cell phone and called his assistant. As he
was asking Elder Amituana’I what his schedule looked like in the next little
while, the elder walked into the office with his phone on his ear. Haha. Yes, they would be free in 45 minutes and
would go with us. I finally felt peace. Leon finished his task, cleaned up, and
with the elders in the back seat of our sparkling clean Getz, we were off to
the hospital.
I must take a moment here to explain ‘the hospital’. The
Mootoatua Hospital, as it was called when April and Leslie were born there, was
an old WWII one story building, looking its age. We have driven to the site of
the old hospital more than once trying to figure out if it is still part of the
medical complex that now sprawls over half a city block and which includes a spanking
new two story red and white hospital built by the Chinese government. More
about that later. We walked instead back
through an older building and inquired of a laborer nearby where the women’s
section was. Following his directions
and with a few corrections in our course, we found it. The nurse at her station
directed us to the maternity ward, a large open room with six beds, the
curtains drawn back where all could visit. There were a few family members or
friends there, each with their patient.
There on her bed lay beautiful Eneleata Epati, her dark hair
pulled back, her dark eyes accepting and patient. Her mother stood by her bed.
I introduced us to her and explained that Eneleata’s uncle Aleni, had asked us
to help locate her blood type and that we had brought these two young elders of
our church to give her a blessing if that would please her. Her mother
introduced herself as Fay. She was pleasant, smiling and grateful that we would
come. She said she didn’t know that we would minister to those not of our
faith. Of course I’m paraphrasing. Once the introductions were over the elders
conversed with them in Samoan. We
observed that Eneleata was receiving type A blood through a drip.
And so the blessing was given. Leon was privileged to lay
hands on her head with the elders as they administered to her. We learned that this precious girl has been
bleeding more heavily than is normal for the past year to the extent that she
was in need of a transfusion. We asked
if it would be alright for us to check on her later to see how she is doing.
Her mother said yes, we could. The
elders left with knowledge of the village where the family lives, the church
they currently attend, and an invitation to visit in their home. On the way
back to the mission home, they told us that they felt the spirit very strongly
in giving the blessing. These two elders are so dedicated, so fun and happy in the work. They obviously enjoy working together.
The next morning, waiting outside the temple at 4:30 a.m.
for the doors to open, we filled Sister Moaga in on what had transpired the
night before. She then told Brother and Sister Sauni (in Samoan) all that had
happened. And guess what. Brother Sauni has type AB blood. And that’s not all.
Sister Moaga’s niece is serving a mission here and is working in the very
village where the Epati family lives. I have said before that we are living in a land
of miracles.
Leon tried several times in the next couple of days to reach Aleni by phone, but
without success. He finally called the hospital and learned that
Eneleata had been released and gone home.
When he reached her uncle Aleni, he told Leon she was doing well
and was back in school. He thanked us
for blessing his niece. He was very grateful that she is doing so well.
We were so blessed to have been part of this. The truth is we all live in a miraculous
world. And if we are willing, we can all participate in miracles. The good news is that it doesn't require a name tag. I hope when the tags come off, the miracles will continue.
Awesome! What a great miracle to participate in!